At different stages throughout every project, Greenleaf continually ask, “What is the problem that needs to be solved?” This strategic re-evaluation lets us identify core issues that initially may have been missed. With focus on unlocking hidden value, Greenleaf utilises a unique combination of consulting, capability building and product solutions to answer the question, “How good can this really be?”


Market Development

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Even the most promising models can fall apart without an adequate plan.  Greenleaf’s extensive global market expertise allows them to develop strategies that successfully bring products to market, and predict how consumers will think and behave.  This includes in-depth business model development and a close analysis of specific case studies.  A focus on complex model building and thorough research ensures that Greenleaf will help their clients find the strategies and practices that work for them.

Cost Benefit Analysis

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Cost benefit analysis offers two important functions: estimating the strengths and weaknesses of alternatives (transactions, activities, functional business requirements, project investments, etc.) and quantifying the benefits and costs of a decision, policy, or project.  Greenleaf uses complex economic, financial, and scenario modelling to reach these ends and to help determine the best path toward benefit while preserving the maximum amount of savings.

Supply Chain & business analytics

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A healthy value chain relies on the careful equilibrium between a stable customer base and a reliable supply chain. Greenleaf evaluates the efficacy of that equilibrium and optimises the value chain through strategy upgrades and business model refinement. Greenleaf’s methodology prioritises the market mix and investigates barriers to increasing production and realising growth opportunities. Their methods also help to identify the inherent risks and benefits of each opportunity, giving their clients the most complete picture possible with which to make their most important strategy decisions.

Capability Building

Strategic alignment

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Where change management works to shift the internal mechanisms of a company, strategic alignment seeks to optimise existing resources.  This means excising needlessly wasteful practices and throwing more support behind undervalued assets.  Taking advantage of Greenleaf’s extensive business expertise, a company could maximise efficiency while minimising wasteful spending.

Change management

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Change management is the process by which a company embraces innovation. Greenleaf collaborates with their clients to guide them from where they are now to where the business needs them to be. This path will be unique for each client, and as such, Greenleaf can craft a company-specific plan for realising their own internal revolution.

Learning & Development

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Strong businesses must constantly evolve to keep up with the demands of inevitable industry-wide paradigm shifts.  Greenleaf can help clients embrace innovation in order to develop and maintain the most operationally effective and cost-efficient mix of capabilities required to achieve strategic objectives.  Learning and developing new capabilities within a reasonable timeframe means crafting development processes that are rigorous and robust while still being simple and manageable.  Greenleaf’s capability development expertise extends to business management, business development, financial management, innovation and development, risk management, communications, and more.

Product Solutions

Engineering Solutions

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Greenleaf developed and commercialised an ultrasound based carcase grading system for the pork industry. This system is now being used commercially for the grading of more than 70% of the pigs processed in Australia

Analytical Software

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A solution is only as good as its analysis.  With this truth in mind, Greenleaf offers complex software-based models that utilise a range of statistical and mathematical optimisation techniques.  Greenleaf can use these techniques to extract meaningful insights from their clients’ processes, financials and supply chains.  As a leader in innovative data analysis technology and computing capabilities, Greenleaf can uncover precious insights that may be otherwise obscured by a lack of adequate industry knowledge.

App Development

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Mobile technology has become an inescapable factor in modern life.  Greenleaf’s proficiency in app development will ensure that your company stays at the cutting-edge of mobile integration. With expertise in every popular mobile platform, the app development team can provide a seamless experience across iOS, Android and Windows Mobile.  Each app is tailored to fit a client’s individual wants and needs through extensive detail-oriented research, and the development of a close one-on-one working relationship.